Eric Reeves

Seattle, WA
Union: NABET-CWA 53

Over 15 years of extensive experience in field audio mixing/recording around the world for documentaries, broadcast and reality television, corporate, commercials, sports, ENG, and all around run and gun location production. Fully equipped with custom sound packages to fit all your film and video audio production needs. Audio packages include Lectrosonics UHF digital hybrid wireless systems, Sound Devices mixers/recorders, Denecke time-code slate, Schoeps, Sennheiser, and Sanken microphones, and many extras. Clients include: Travel Channel, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, HBO Sports, ESPN, MLB Entertainment, HGTV, Microsoft, T-Mobile, ABC, CBS, NBC, BBC. Packed to travel throughout the US and internationally with valid passport and up-to-date vaccinations. Great attitude. Production and technically savvy. Extremely reliable and knowledgeable. Keen ears. Please visit my website:

2009, Discovery Channel: Behind Bars, Towers Productions (Chicago)
2009, Animal Planet: Outrageous Animals, Sharp Entertainment (New York)
2009, HGTV: My Big Amazing Renovation, High Noon Entertainment (Denver)