Kalles Levine Casting, CSA
Longest existing and busiest casting company in the Northwest. Seattle based casting directors with over 30 years of casting experience. The only NW casting director to win 2 Artios Awards, the highest honor bestowed by her peers with the Casting Society of America. They cast in Seattle, Portland and LA. Patti and Laurie are the busiest casting directors in Seattle. They are always searching the theatre community and acting schools to find the newest, hottest talent. Experience includes: commercials, feature films, television, industrials, searches, rock videos, print, voice-overs, and still digital casting, with online posting. We go the extra mile to find the talent you need. Credits include: Northern Exposure, Man in the High Castle, Judas Kiss, The Dark Place, Snow Falling on Cedars, Slaves to the Underground, Mr. Holland's Opus, Frasier, Pandora's Clock, various TV pilots, Lifetime, Hearst Entertainment, Universal/Spielberg, Carsey/Warner, Fox, Disney, MTM, Warner Bros., Swiffer, Car Toys, Surge, Ford, Sprite, Washington Lottery, Sierra On-line, Isuzu, Boeing, Edmark, Microsoft, plus many more national, regional and local clients. Searches where actors were cast include Super 8, Babble and Bad News Bears.